“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Phoenix.”

Fighting For YOU! When you find yourself in need of a lawyer, you want to select an attorney that is experienced and educated. What’s more, you need a lawyer who will fight for, as well as with, you. When you’re looking for a lawyer, search no further than The Robinson Law Firm PLLC in Phoenix, Arizona!
The Robinson Law Firm PLLC. Growing up in the inner city, one develops a concern for individuals that are unable to help themselves. As such, DeVaughn Robinson, of The Robinson Law Firm PLLC, desired to find a way to help people on a larger scale. For DeVaughn, law was the only profession that he believed he could enter that would provide for his family, while also helping others.
The Robinson Law Firm specializes in Immigration Law and Asylum.
What is asylum? Let’s say you’re visiting America, and, after setting foot on American soil, you decide to stay for a while. However, if something happens in your native country and you don’t believe it’s in your best interest to return because of concerns for the well-being of you and your family, you can seek asylum in America to protect yourself and your loved ones.
A lot of individuals come across the border because they may be from Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, or Mexico, and they feel that there’s such a hostile environment in their own country that the only place they can seek asylum is in America. Asylum is when someone needs another country to protect them.
Meet DeVaughn. DeVaughn Robinson earned his law degree in 2004 from Thomas M. Cooley Law School with a Litigation Concentration. DeVaughn participated in the 1st Year Moot Court Competition, receiving a 5th Place Respondent Team win. At Cooley, DeVaughn was also selected to the Maricopa County Public Defender’s Office externship program, where he served as a law clerk and assisted with indigent representation of cases involving both simple and complex felony matters.
Before law school, DeVaughn graduated with honors from Edinboro University in Pennsylvania, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Speech Communication. DeVaughn served as an Intercultural Diplomat for Intercultural Relations Office during his enrollment. DeVaughn also received informal educational and cultural training at Oxford University in England. While there, he studied English Literature and—like he always had been—was fascinated by writers. DeVaughn also enjoyed the art from great pioneers of art who came before him. When DeVaughn was in London, he went to the National Art Gallery, and had a wonderful experience. DeVaughn also received cultural and social training at the University of Zibo, China (which is in the Shangdong Province).
During DeVaughn’s undergraduate career, he was the recipient of the 1996 Ebony Excellence Aware for Academic & Leaderships. In 1997, DeVaughn again received an Ebony Excellence Aware for Leadership, as well as an Anna F. Filey Study Abroad Scholarship to Oxford University and Exeter College. In 1998, DeVaughn was awarded an Ambassador Study Abroad Scholarship for the University of Zibo, China. Further, DeVaughn was an active member of Chi Alpha Epsilon Honor Society. As an Edinboro University scholarship recipient, as well as a N.E.E.D Foundation scholarship, DeVaughn obtained valuable international experience, which influenced his decision to join the immigration law community.
Today, DeVaughn likes to fight for individuals who are unable to fight for themselves. DeVaughn says, “I understand poverty because I came from extreme poverty.” Thus, DeVaughn knows what it feels like not to have things that others may have. “My goal is to help as many individuals as I can as possible,” DeVaughn adds.
Let DeVaughn Robinson and The Robinson Law Firm PLLC handle your legal case. Contact them today!
Call them at (602) 284-4318.

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