“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Your Town.”

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Why shopping locally matters so much.

pizza chef

Not so long ago almost every business was a local business. Goods and services were routinely purchased from companies with a physical presence in a particular community by the people who lived there.

Today online shopping and mega-malls have changed the landscape of downtowns across America.

Once thriving business districts that were full of interesting choices and bustling with friendly people are now being challenged.

Faceless online shopping carts and 30 mile drives to “shopping destinations” leave consumers with a sterile, cookie cutter purchasing experience.

Where you spend your money has a profound impact not only on the local business community in your town, but directly on you, your family, your friends and your neighbors as well. It’s an indisputable fact that your quality of life hinges on the economic health of your community.

“When you spend money with a local business, what you are really doing is voting for the success of that business, the success of your community, and ultimately the quality of life that you experience every day.

When local businesses succeed, you benefit directly in many different ways…

  • You won’t have to drive 30 miles to purchase something that you need right now.
  • You won’t have to wait two weeks for a service that you need today.
  • Your town can invest in roads, parks, beautification projects, schools, and critical social services.
  • When local businesses succeed, new jobs are created in your community.

When you choose to keep your money in the local economy it becomes a powerful force for positive change. However, when too much of it leaves your community… well, we’ve all seen what happens then.

Money moves at the speed of light. It can go from your wallet to the other side of the world in mere seconds so please remember – where that money lands has an enormous impact on the quality of life in the community where you live.  Spenditin your town.

Support your local economy. It’s Your Money – Spenditin™ Your Town!

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