“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Cave Creek.”

The Little Gym of Cave Creek – Cave Creek, AZ
Need a way to get your kids moving? Look no further than The Little Gym of Cave Creek!
About The Little Gym. The Little Gym of Cave Creek is a fun filled gym for kids aged 4 months through 12 years old. The Little Gym is dedicated to helping kids learn how to have fun and exercise!
The Little Gym is founded on three main pillars. The first pillar is to get kids moving! When asked why this was so important for younger children in particular, owner Dan Drummond says “It’s extremely important for kids to build coordination, adgility, and strength,”. The second pillar is teaching children how to stimulate their minds. Whether it’s colors for younger children or learning how to use their skills to combine gymnastic moves for older children, every kid learns something new. The final pillar is to get kids developing positive social skills. Through The Little Gym’s Citizen Kid program, children are taught to socialize in a positive way and to build self confidence while getting involved with others.
What Makes The Little Gym Special. Offering services to children from 4 months to 12 years old, there is something for every kid to explore. Every gymnast is taught how to move, build their brain power, and develop positive social skills. “We’re different from a competitive gymnastics gym in the fact that we try to individualize all of our instructions. We do it in a very nurturing, positive environment, and it really helps the kids build self confidence,” says owner Dan Drummond. With so many gyms focusing only on the competitive side of gymnastics, it’s no wonder that so many people have chosen The Little Gym of Cave Creek, a place where the kid’s well being and positive self image come first.
A Nurturing Approach. The Little Gym of Cave Creek is dedicated to teaching kids in a nurturing way and to encourage them to develop a love for exercising. The Little Gym is not a competitive gymnastics gym; instead, The Little Gym focuses on making sure every kid has a good time with each visit.
Life Skills Taught Here. What’s more, The Little Gym staff is committed to helping kids develop the skills they will need to live healthy, productive lives. They want to help your child succeed in and out of the gym. With their commitment to helping kids by individualizing their teaching methods and teaching every kid the three pillars, you can guarantee that your little gymnasts will benefit greatly from their time at The Little Gym!
It’s time to get out and move! Your child will have an amazing experience at The Little Gym of Cave Creek!
Call them at (480) 977-1555.
Visit the The Little Gym of Cave Creek website.

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