“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Mesa.”

Tao Martial Arts • 6515 E Main St #115 • Mesa AZ • (480) 818-0897


Tao Martial Arts. Burn calories, advance your skills, and learn self-defense. How? With traditional-martial-arts training at Tao Martial Arts in Mesa, Arizona, where classes are not only fun, but also held in a judgement-free zone!

Tao Martial Arts Mesa AZ inset 2About. Navy veteran and Tao Martial Arts owner, Benjamin Ferguson, offers Arizonans the chance to learn martial arts traditionally. While most martial arts schools are of the sport type—with their eye focused on just winning tournaments—Tao Martial Arts is different.

At Tao Martial Arts, their approach to martial arts helps an individual develop as a person both mentally and physically. What’s more,, Tao Martial Arts training is concerned with character, discipline, respect, and honor. When you learn from Tao Martial Arts, you’re gaining valuable skills that will be an asset to every aspect of your life.

Tao Martial Arts is certified with the World Tang Soo Do Association!

A Safe Place. Everyone has different skill levels, but for beginners, learning something new can be awkward or even embarrassing. Not so at Tao Martial Arts! There, everyone from all walks of life is guaranteed a safe space. In fact, the first rule at Tao Martial Arts is that everyone has to respect everybody else. If you can’t show respect, you can’t train at Tao Martial Arts.

Classes. Tao Martial Arts offers an array of classes, including:

  • Martial Arts Classes
    • While Tang Soo Do is the primary style taught at Tao Martial Arts, you’ll also have classes that incorporate concepts from Hapkido, Ki Gong, and Split Second Survival.
  • Self-Defense Classes
    • When you’re in a possibly life or death situation, every second counts. By learning the Split Second Survival method, students at Tao Martial Arts learn concepts and methods that could save their life, or even the life of a loved one.
  • Private Lessons
    • Not ready to learn in a group? That’s okay, too! Tao Martial Arts offers private lessons at hourly rates, with instruction in Tang Soo Do, Hapkido, Ki Gong, and Split Second Survival.

Leave Your Mark. Ready to learn how you can leave your mark at Tao Martial Arts? Then check out this video!

Learn traditional martial arts from Tao Martial Arts! Contact them today.

Call them at (480) 818-0897

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Tao Martial Arts Reviews

“Mr Ferguson is a very fair and honest Trainer when it comes to classes pricing and not binding you to anything. He’s very flexible with schedule pricing and is always willing to work with you if you are up front and honest with him. He’s always willing to let you cancel if needed and he understands everybody has a different situation which is very important. My two boys go here and have went here for several months and love it. He’s always willing to let you keep trying until you get it right usually and gives everyone a fair chance.” -Emily B.

“I recently watched my nephew, Gauge, get promoted to brown belt. I was impressed with the connection between the students and their instructor, Mr Ferguson. The class consisted of all ages and levels of skill. Mr Ferguson’s passion for this art is passed on to his students and it clearly shows. I know that my nephew has not only learned physical techniques but mental discipline as well. I am looking forward to watching him advance to his black belt soon! I would highly recommend others to check out what Mr Ferguson has to offer at Tao Martial Arts.” -Marla P.

“I took the Split-Second Survival Self-Defense seminar offered here, and I found it extremely useful! I now feel much more prepared and assured of my ability to escape a threatening situation. Mr. Ferguson and the SSS team make beginners feel comfortable and capable, even if you have absolutely zero experience in martial arts! Would highly recommend this studio and seminar!” -Katie H.

“Thank you so so much to Instructor Ferguson for everything he has done to help my son AJ. Karate has definitely given AJ a way to stay healthy and given him something to focus on.” -Kelly J.

“Tao Martial Arts is more than forms, kicks, and punches. Mr. Ferguson has a unique way of keeping class fun and engaging while teaching honor and integrity to kids of all ages. My daughters love this studio. I enjoy watching their self confidence grow with each belt promotion.” -Charlie L.

“I was welcomed with open arms by the other adults in the class and by Mr. Ferguson. It’s a little scary starting something at 41, but this is a great place to try it!. The classes are small and there is a great community of adults motivated to improve. Mr. Ferguson is always professional and funny when it comes to instruction. I especially love that Tang Soo Do is unique from other forms of martial arts and really focuses on body mechanics.” – Amy M.

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