“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Phoenix.”

Newborn Sleep Company. There’s nothing quite as exciting as bringing your new bundle of joy home from the hospital. Yet, for so many first-time or even seasoned parents, it’s a stressful time, too. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by your little one’s poor sleeping habits–and therefore failing to relish this special season–let Newborn Sleep Company in Phoenix, Arizona, coach you on how to successfully get your newborn to sleep, so that you can both get plenty of rest!
About. Summer Hartman, Newborn Sleep Company’s owner, is a certified newborn care specialist, pediatric sleep consultant, and business coach who’s been supporting families for over 17 years.. Summer is passionate about helping parents successfully navigate this special time in their lives with a newborn.
That’s why she’s assisted more than 1,000 families globally, while also empowering and equipping over 2,000 women worldwide. Whether you haven’t slept in a week or your sleep schedule has been out of whack for months, don’t face it alone–instead, let Newborn Sleep Company help!
Sleep Shaping. When you hire a newborn care specialist (NCS), you’re not hiring someone to take over every single task. Instead, for individuals who need sleep help, the NCS will come to your home in the evening, bring the baby to you to be fed, and then put the baby to bed. Experienced issues during the day? Let your NCS know and they’ll offer guidance on how to correct any issues, essentially serving as your “guidebook” for waters that you’ve never charted before.
By training your child from a young age, especially in nightly routines, you’re actively engaging in sleep shaping. Sleep shaping will help your baby sleep better–and longer–through the night. After all, good sleep habits for your little one start early, and both you and your newborn will benefit from a good night’s rest.
How It Works. To get started with Newborn Sleep Company, simply fill out a questionnaire listing your needs. With a slew of options to get you started on your parenthood journey–from newborn care specialists and in-home sleep trainers to virtual sleep consultants–there’s something for everyone! Next, you’ll meet with Summer to discuss your unique needs so she can match you with the right team member.
Based on your needs, Summer will send you a contract and invoice with a one-time placement fee–there won’t be any extra fees! Finally, Newborn Sleep Company will interview 2-3 trained team members to ensure that they’ll be the right fit for your family.
Start Your Own Business! Summer–Newborn Sleep Company’s owner–is ecstatic to offer a space where you can start your own business! NewbornIQ will give you all the guidance, resources, and education you need to become a newborn care specialist who can help parents and their babies thrive. What’s more, Summer’s Sleep Secrets offers training to become a virtual sleep consultant or an in-person sleep trainer, both of which offer flexibility and a rewarding career. Also, be sure to check out Summer’s YouTube channel!
Say hello to replenishing, restful nights and goodbye to lack of sleep! Contact Newborn Sleep Company today.
Call them at (480) 628-2369
Visit the Newborn Sleep Company website

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