“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Arnold.”

Flex Health with Maura • 734 De Mun Ave • Clayton MO • (314) 620-0958

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Flex Health with Maura. Your mind and body are connected. If one element of your body isn’t feeling its best, your entire mind or body will be impacted, too. Luckily, you don’t have to go on  your wellness journey alone. Flex Health with Maura in Arnold, Missouri, is here to help you find total body relief…the natural way!

Spend It In Flex Health in Arnold MO insetAbout. Maura, Flex Health with Maura’s owner, understands how her clients are feeling first-hand, as she’d been taking care of her own digestive issues and then went to a doctor. Unfortunately, the doctor wasn’t helpful, and they didn’t even ask basic questions like, “Are you drinking enough water?” Although this wasn’t a super positive experience, it did have a positive outcome. As a result, Maura got interested in natural medicine. Eventually, that passion inspired her to become a naturopath and help others find healing, too!

Fad-Free. All too often, there can be a stigma about something being “wrong” with your body because it isn’t working quite right. That just isn’t the case, though, because your body is doing amazing things for you! That’s why Maura’s approach to health is different. She believes that it’s very important for her patients to actually understand how their bodies work, rather than getting sucked into bio hacking or the latest online health fads. Maura, by using her extensive knowledge, helps you learn just what your body is telling you!

Mental & Physical. Here’s the bottom line of wellness: everything physical is influenced by your mental state. Yep, the body and mind are interconnected. Since Maura realizes just how much your mind affects your body, she says, “The body doesn’t make mistakes. It does what it does in response to what it perceives. So physical symptoms can be caused not only by organic disease but also by unresolved mental trauma and unhelpful beliefs.”

Biorhythm Feedback Therapy. Now you know that your mind-body is connected, but you might be wondering just how to take control of your mental wellbeing so that your physical health sees a positive change. Well, if you remove trauma you’re dealing with, the body will adapt and stop doing the bad thing that’s making you feel poorly. Essentially, perception rules all the body’s responses.

That’s why Maura offers biorhythm feedback therapy, which can help you change those responses. It works with the feedback from the body and then guides the body to “rest and digest.” This then leads to lower levels of adrenaline AND cortisol, which helps the body slow down and be at peace. After biorhythm feedback begins working, Maura can then use other modalities—like hypnosis—to fine-tune things. 

Flex Health with Maura also offers assisted lymphatic therapy and photo therapy!

FREE E-Book. Maura is always excited to educate others, which is why she’s honored to offer this free ebook, which you can find here. 

The Vibrant Way. Maura also offers an online course and one-on-one coaching called The Vibrant Way, which helps female clients heal from divorce trauma. Whether the heartbreak you’ve endured from your divorce shows itself by your tears, fear of dating again, or some other way, Maura uses German New Medicine (GNM) to promote healing. GNM is a natural approach to addressing and recovering from divorce trauma that can help you feel confident again and find joy in life!

Healing is a lot closer and easier than you think.

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Flex Health with Maura Reviews

Maura has a warm and caring presence.  She is genuinely committed to helping people regain health and well-being.  She is a wealth of knowledge and makes healing tangible.  She has been a tremendous part of my health and healing journey. I would definitely recommend working with Maura for anyone dealing with fatigue, chronic illness or imbalances in general.” -Lindsey R.

“I could see such a difference in my face and body after my first session with Maura. She does a wonderful job of explaining the lymphatic system.  I sent my 17yr old daughter to help with her lymph flare ups.” -Rebecca M.

“With the assisted lymphatic massage sessions, I have noticed a significant decrease in my lower extremity swelling (I have a preexisting lymphatic issue that was causing swelling), improvement in overall smoothness of my skin, and redistribution (in a good way) of fluids in my body.” -Brooke K.

“I had chronic gout for over 10 years and just felt like my body was at war with itself. After a BioResonance Feedback Intensive I’m feeling fantastic, strong, full of energy, and the war in my body has ceased.” -Lawrence

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