“It’s Your Money – Spend It In Phoenix.”

Help 2 Succeed • Chandler AZ • (602) 561-0723

Spend It In Phoenix AZ – Help 2 Succeed main

Help 2 Succeed. As an artist, it’s likely you have BIG dreams and goals, but achieving the vision you have for your artistic life can seem like a daunting and insurmountable challenge. But not anymore with virtual coaching from Help 2 Succeed in Phoenix, Arizona!

Spend It In Phoenix AZ – Help 2 Succeed insetAbout. Leigh Ann Edrich, known as Ilia, has dozens of publications, exhibitions, and awards and is an internationally known and recognized artist. As an established artist, Ilia has the tools necessary to help your goals and dreams finally seem within reach!

Different. Ilia’s coaching techniques are different–in a good way! She doesn’t try to teach her clients a better way to create art, as she instead mentors. As a mentor, she serves as a friend and a guide in an atmosphere where clients get individualized and attentive help. Ilia doesn’t teach her clients how to do their art, and she isn’t critical. Taking a better approach, Ilia validates the rightness of her clients’ works so they can find success in the industry.

Help 2 Succeed in dedicated to helping everyone, as their clients can come from any field of the arts or performing arts.

Marketing. Art isn’t always about sitting behind an easel or reading through the latest script. One aspect of art is information marketing, which Help 2 Succeed can help with! Since artists don’t have a marketing budget, Ilia finds ways that artists can get the word out through various modes, including articles and press releases.

All About YOU! At Help 2 Succeed, you get a service that is tailored right to you! Since you are unique in your personality, goals, and talent, Help 2 Succeed offers personal coaching to boost your career and help you get closer to your dreams. When you work with Help 2 Succeed, your mentor will determine what information you need, how you can run a business, how you can promote yourself, the tools you need in order to receive recognition, and more. This all about YOU approach will help you find immense success in your career.

Indie Artists Club. Help 2 Succeed will soon be offering the Indie Artists Club which helps artists even more! Building a website and doing marketing can be difficult for artists, but the Indie Artists Club will remove that hassle. Artists will have access to a central website where they will have their own place to sell their art. Ultimately, this offering will help all the artists help each other!

Your dreams are no longer elusive with Help 2 Succeed! Contact them today.

Call them at (602) 561-0723

Visit the Help 2 Succeed website

Help 2 Succeed Reviews

“This is the first time I have been excited about having something working for me. I have been approached so many times with phony or should we say ‘money making deals with less than integrity’. I can’t function that way….. I’m so excited that this is all I think, dream and pray about…I’m sure, that I’m sure, that I’m sure that this will be a successful venture for me and I don’t mind passing it around….Thank you so much….” -S.L.

“I have been working with help to succeed for 2 years now. I have noticed a complete turn around of my company. The husband wife staff are the exact right team for what I needed. I’ve been able to build up my current clientele, while putting step by step action into the future goals for my company that I’m able to achieve. I’m so super grateful that they came into my life when they did. I look forward to my future progress.”-Anonymous

“Leigh-Ann at Help 2 Succeed has helped me realign my life to be successful. She’s given me the courage I need as an artist to push through to the next level. Things I never even realized about myself were identified by her, and I really needed that. I highly recommend her!” -J.K.

“Leigh Ann’s help & knowledge was incredibly helpful from promoting my art to ideas on where to try and sell my paintings. Also as a new self taught artist sharing her knowledge on paint and different products, websites to look at was absolutely wonderful!” -B.H.

“Help 2 Succeed is truly a help to artists and creative people in any field. I’ve gotten help for expanding my online presence, help with my website and all in a friendly, easy to understand manner. I love the radio broadcasts from successful artists and creatives, with information you can use in your own career. Thanks, Help 2 Succeed.” -E.C.S.

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